Today we’re going to be taking a look at development for our newest game: Compile: Main 1. As we were cleaning out the dev room, Matt Kroll, project manager for game development, found this! It was one of the first printings of Compile: Main 1 with its original design.

Life used to be called Growth! Here you can see “Growth” 3 with our old font choice as well. Compile: Main 1 has come a long way.

Typically we print cards to make writing on them easier while we do our in-house playtesting. Yes, it is the best part about working at a board game company to be pulled in for playtesting. Here’s Metal 2 with a minor change.

And here you can see the first prototype of Control! It hasn’t changed a whole lot from the original design, but it’s definitely been improved upon with the update in logo and design. I don’t think one of those lines even aligns correctly!

Finally, we have the old card backs with the old logo. Some of them were intended to be black, but we played around with this pink/white/blue back variant that we affectionately called “the trans rights card back.” Ultimately, though, plain black worked better with how artful the cards turned out to be.

That’s just a quick sneak peek at what developing looks like for something like Compile: Main 1, which took us just under a year to make from start to finish. Be sure to keep an eye out for our next wave of pre-orders! You can sign up here to be notified as soon as they’re live.