Welcome to our get-to-know-you series where we focus on a single member of staff here at Greater Than Games! First up is going to be our Brand Manager, Bailey Pittman. Why? Because I’m the blog writer, and it’s really easy to make a meeting with myself for an interview. Bailey, take it away. Why thank you, Bailey.

Bailey’s cats Lysander and Lucille cuddling up on the couch.
What did you do before you got into the board gaming industry?
I actually started out in education, specifically in history. However, I got to the student-teacher portion of my degree and realized it most definitely was not for me. I did a quick pivot to major in just history (rather than history education). Of course, I scrambled to figure out what to do after that and ended up in insurance for a little while.
How did you start out in the industry?
My job here at Greater Than Games! Ruby Topping suggested that I apply for my first position which was customer service and writing-based (two things that I’m pretty good at). I actually submitted some Murder, She Wrote fanfiction as part of my writing portfolio. I think that won over my equally nerdy bosses.
What got you into board games in general?
I wasn’t into board games until I got this job. I am very much into TTRPGs thanks to actual-play podcasts like The Adventure Zone. Currently, I'm GMing 3 different campaigns (two Dungeons & Dragons and one Star Trek Adventures) with some one shots here and there of other things. My friends and I love sitting around a virtual table and playing pretend with each other. Bonus points if there’s dice involved.
What’s your favorite Greater Than Games game that you’ve worked on, and what were your contributions?
Mine has to be Defenders of the Realm: Legends Edition. Sure, it’s not published yet, but we’re working on that! (Stay tuned, more soon!) It’s so much fun trying to work with your team to keep the horde at bay, plus you never really play the same game twice. Each hero is unique in how they work. I have a blast no matter who I end up playtesting as. I wrote the biographies for all the heroes that you see on the back of their cards, plus playtested a lot.
What are some of your hobbies outside of the job?
Well, with so many campaigns going, that’s about the majority of it. I still write from time to time, but not so much anymore. Being a grown up is hard and laundry is perpetual. I do end up reading mysteries and thrillers as well as enjoy YouTube Let’s Plays of old adventure games from the 90s and 2000s.
What’s your favorite joke?
The best part about living with a British guy? Your life is constantly full of puns and witty remarks. My favorite is when the conversation goes like this.
Bailey: Y’know, I was thinking—
Tristan, my husband: Careful. Might strain yourself.
If they aren’t gently roasting you, does a Brit really love you?
And there you have it! A little bit more about me to get us started on this get-to-know-you adventure! Next month we’ll have another employee to talk to.