Greater Than Games

Sentinel Tactics: Uprising

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    Sale price $7.50Regular price $29.95

Sentinel Tactics: Uprising includes six new characters, environment elements for both environments from Sentinel Tactics: The Flame of Freedom, and a scenario book with scenarios that revolve around the new characters, bringing them into the ongoing storyline of Sentinel Comics!

The scenarios involve comic-book style stories, map set-ups, and scenario specific tokens, powers, and even side characters!


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  • BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: Be both competative and cooperative with team vs. team or team vs. villain player!
  • GET ROLLING: Dice-based combat game that presses your luck!
  • HEX GRID: Move along a hex grid to strategize effectively!
  • UNIQUE POWERS: Each hero and villain has their own unique powers in that signature Sentinels way!
  • FUN FOR ALL: Anyone will be able to jump in and have a blast with Tactics!
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